The Top 5 Mistakes New Drivers Make and How to Avoid Them: Advice from a UK-Based Driving Instructor

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Taking your driving test can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you don’t know what to expect or how to avoid common pitfalls. In this blog
post, we will share with you the top 5 mistakes and reasons that people fail their UK driving test, and how you can avoid them with the help of Tony Harding Driving School.

Mistake 1: Not checking your mirrors and blind spots.
One of the most common reasons for failing your driving test is not checking your mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes, turning, or pulling out.
This can lead to dangerous situations and show that you are not aware of your surroundings. To avoid this mistake, make sure you check your rear-view
mirror, side mirrors, and blind spots every time you make a manoeuvre. You should also signal your intentions clearly and in good time if there is someone to benefit.

Mistake 2: Not following the speed limit and road signs.
Another common reason for failing your driving test is not following the speed limit and road signs. This can show that you are not familiar with the
rules of the road or that you are not paying attention to the traffic conditions. To avoid this mistake, make sure you know the speed limit for each road and adjust your speed accordingly. You should also look out for road signs and markings that indicate changes in the speed limit, direction, or lane usage.

Mistake 3: Not controlling the car smoothly.
A third common reason for failing your driving test is not controlling the car smoothly. This can include stalling, rolling back, jerking, or skidding.
This can show that you are not confident or skilled in handling the car or that you are not prepared for different situations. To avoid this mistake, make sure you practice clutch control, braking, steering, and gear changing until you feel comfortable and smooth. You should also anticipate potential hazards and react calmly and safely and plan.

Mistake 4: Not showing adequate observation and judgement.
A fourth common reason for failing your driving test is not showing adequate observation and judgement. This can include failing to spot hazards, misjudging gaps or distances, or making poor decisions. This can show that you are not alert or aware of what is happening around you or that you are not able to cope with complex or challenging scenarios. To avoid this mistake, make sure you scan the road ahead and behind, use your mirrors frequently, and plan your actions in advance. You should also think about what other road users might do and how you would respond.

Mistake 5: Not being confident and assertive.
A fifth common reason for failing your driving test is not being confident and assertive. This can include hesitating, being too cautious, or being too
aggressive. This can show that you are not ready to drive independently or that you are not respectful of other road users. To avoid this mistake, make sure you trust your abilities and skills, act decisively and confidently, and communicate clearly with other road users. You should also respect the rights of way and follow the highway code.

These are some of the most common mistakes and reasons that people fail their UK driving test, but they are not the only ones. If you want to learn more about how to pass your driving test with flying colours, contact Tony Harding Driving School today. Tony is a qualified and experienced driving instructor who will tailor his lessons to suit your needs and goals. He will help you master all the skills and knowledge you need to become a safe and confident driver. Don’t wait any longer, book your driving lessons with Tony today!

Book your first driving lesson with Tony Harding Driving Instructor today and embark on an incredible journey towards mastering the art of driving. Take the first step towards becoming a skilled and responsible driver – contact us now!

Contact us today to book your first driving lesson with Tony Harding Driving Instructor! Visit our website contact page or call 07768 464167 to begin your journey towards driving success!

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Tags: News & Advice
Well done Rosie from Leire on passing your driving test first time!